Wednesday 17 August 2016

Well I have been silent for long enough.  I am into selvedges now.  I have a couple of my fellow quilters keeping selvedges from their projects for me.  This is a wee peek at my stash.

I sew them onto a backing
The I just put the finished square into an embroidery hoop. 

Monday 13 June 2016

This is my second attempt at a yoga mat bag.  On this one I wanted to try and put piping on the ends.

This is one of the finished ends with the piping.  Not a bad effort.

Again I put a zipped pocket on the outside (quite hard to see in this photo). Also one on the inside.
Quite funky material.  Ah well onto the next project.

Yoga Bags

As I do yoga I decided to make myself a bag for my yoga mat.  This is my first one and made it out of upholstery remanent. It has a pocket on the outside and another one inside.  It's a bit long but it makes it easier to get the mat in and out.

Saturday 11 June 2016

Boy Quilt

After months of posting nothing here I go.

I've made a quilt for a fellow yogi (person who practices yoga) who has just had her baby. This is an unfinished photo.  It is finished and given now.